Parental Control
Xunison App also provides you with the capability to manage the devices in your Wi-Fi from your handset via a mobile app, Android TV and/or Internet browser.
End users can monitor web activity within their home, from the current day, to the entire previous 30 days. Options to bar websites and applications that are deemed inappropriate.
Shows the report of the time spent by each device, per day (also last 7 days, 14 days and 30 days) and per session. Users can block the internet access on any device for a specified duration.
Users can monitor or Block/Unblock Social domains such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WeChat. Block Inappropriate content: Unblock and block URL for all devices/selected devices or a particular device.
Security and safety for the connected smarthome
IoT Security
With accessories such as smart doorbells and locks equipped with motion alerts and cameras, IoT technology has never been more central in the security of our smarthomes. Convenient and highly accessible, Xunison offers a suite of devices that elevates the physical security of our homes to an unparalleled level.